In 177 days, two popular ball games and also important events of the 19th Asian Games, rugby and volleyball, will have fierce battles in the stadium of Hangzhou Normal University ( HZNU).
The renovation project of the stadium is one of the first that carried out the completion acceptance in Zhejiang Province. It lays stress on the recycling of natural resources and use of smart technologies in construction. A series of improvements have been made in lawn renovation, lighting equipment providence and visual experience of the audience.
In May 2021, the HZNU Organizing Office took the lead to organize a preliminary team according to the unified deployment of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organizing Committee. In April 2022, the stadium will host the National Rugby Sevens Championship, warming itself up for Asian Games Hangzhou 2022.
NO.2318, Yuhangtang Rd, Yuhang District, 311121, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R.China
86-571-28869221 (General Affairs)
86-571-28865041 (Admission)